2738828 : grow up
2738828 : yourw litterally just sitting here trying to scare people
1836472636272847 OP : Doesn’t feel good for me
1836472636272847 OP : Omg!!! Why keep dropping?!?
GoBigOrGoHome : What goes up must come down.
2738828 1836472636272847 OP : to bad they didnt drop you
101748546 : Money at Ffie now...
NoobGirl : they are spending too much resource on faraday...not sure what is the destiny for PEGY, wave and crown
2738828 : grow up
2738828 : yourw litterally just sitting here trying to scare people
1836472636272847 OP : Doesn’t feel good for me
1836472636272847 OP : Omg!!! Why keep dropping?!?
GoBigOrGoHome : What goes up must come down.
2738828 1836472636272847 OP : to bad they didnt drop you
101748546 : Money at Ffie now...
NoobGirl : they are spending too much resource on faraday...not sure what is the destiny for PEGY, wave and crown