Edmund5311 : It is possible, but with your attitude, you really won't go far. Let's encourage each other, I am also a post-00s.
嗦螺螄粉 : Who cares? As long as I make money from this
赌神8888 : If you can't eat grapes, say grape sour
Kelvin0610 : Both of us are post-00s, but your attitude is really unacceptable. I see you everywhere.
SumTingWongg : Haha, I really enjoy watching this kind of post, a clown can only be quiet if he can't eat meat.
Edmund5311 : It is possible, but with your attitude, you really won't go far. Let's encourage each other, I am also a post-00s.
嗦螺螄粉 : Who cares? As long as I make money from this
赌神8888 : If you can't eat grapes, say grape sour
Kelvin0610 : Both of us are post-00s, but your attitude is really unacceptable. I see you everywhere.
SumTingWongg : Haha, I really enjoy watching this kind of post, a clown
can only be quiet if he can't eat meat.