Kinda hate to say it, but doge coin is setup for its biggest move since the 2021 craze……I’d put more on that as its kinda just starting.
Just remember, with crypto it’s more important to hold over extended amount of time whether it’s a few days, a week, etc. do not pay attention to short term gains or losses. It’s kind of comparable to the S&P 500 going up nonstop over 20, 30, 70:years….. but in fast forward. The day to day mate always seem like it’s just going sideways but overtime it continues to accumulate and accumulate and accumulate
PYUN970IHaveChosen : ! On it!
RIPPER OP PYUN970IHaveChosen : Kinda hate to say it, but doge coin is setup for its biggest move since the 2021 craze……I’d put more on that as its kinda just starting.
Just remember, with crypto it’s more important to hold over extended amount of time whether it’s a few days, a week, etc. do not pay attention to short term gains or losses. It’s kind of comparable to the S&P 500 going up nonstop over 20, 30, 70:years….. but in fast forward. The day to day mate always seem like it’s just going sideways but overtime it continues to accumulate and accumulate and accumulate
RIPPER OP RIPPER OP : Pick up doge when it hits second part of this bottom at .777
STD0313 : let's hope so....I got 20.00 on
RIPPER OP STD0313 : Almost +40% so far on my LINK position. Set it and forget it, best way to make reliable gains in crypto now
PYUN970IHaveChosen RIPPER OP : I like that process!
RIPPER OP PYUN970IHaveChosen : Buy doge now, should be up very soon
RIPPER OP PYUN970IHaveChosen : Link looks ready for next move up too
STD0313 : hey am I losing my mind.....didn't you get post about buy calls and selling puts on elons back?