if it traded for 30 sec and CB it could open back up for 2 min and CB anytime in that 2 min right? that's how I see it but idk.
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
Maremare : 1
Maremare : Each CB last at least 5 minutes
TK102361832 : are you holding thru AH?
Maddtrinity OP Maremare : if it traded for 30 sec and CB it could open back up for 2 min and CB anytime in that 2 min right? that's how I see it but idk.
Maremare Maddtrinity OP : Current CB takes some time
Maddtrinity OP TK102361832 : I might, I mean I feel like it's not going to drop back down to Penny's
TK102361832 : same here
TK102361832 : seems like cb if gonna stay till AH
Maddtrinity OP Maremare : yeah but it has been going since :43 so I figured it could be up anytime but I'm always trying to learn