Lnova : Omg lol
Lnova : That was fast lol
Jaguar8 OP Lnova : Yes I was asleepWhen they did the crime
Jaguar8 OP Lnova : Within 15mins they dumped haha
HannChau : no PR right ?
Exactly : What a markup
Jaguar8 OP HannChau : None
HannChau Jaguar8 OP : then later will be short then
Jaguar8 OP HannChau : We shall see if there is an incoming PR but with that drop, it’s more P&D
Jaguar8 OP Exactly : True
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Lnova : Omg lol
Lnova : That was fast lol
Jaguar8 OP Lnova : Yes I was asleep
When they did the crime
Jaguar8 OP Lnova : Within 15mins they dumped haha
HannChau : no PR right ?
Exactly : What a markup
Jaguar8 OP HannChau : None
HannChau Jaguar8 OP : then later will be short then
Jaguar8 OP HannChau : We shall see if there is an incoming PR but with that drop, it’s more P&D
Jaguar8 OP Exactly : True
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