Hellohellohellohello : What is your PT
日交易者2023 : It will go up, deliberately lower the price and make it easier to buy
李有錢 OP Hellohellohellohello : 16.5
涨多多DJ : You take a screenshot, I'll take a look
101750086 : 1750 tonight
ColdJoke : 16 is the key support. I can see Zhuang's position. Now it looks like Zhuang is still buying
Hellohellohellohello : What is your PT
日交易者2023 : It will go up, deliberately lower the price and make it easier to buy
李有錢 OP Hellohellohellohello : 16.5
涨多多DJ : You take a screenshot, I'll take a look
101750086 : 1750 tonight
ColdJoke : 16 is the key support. I can see Zhuang's position. Now it looks like Zhuang is still buying