Galaxy Gazer
You are selling call options. When the stock price goes up, the call options increase in value. Your calls are short positions, which means if you want to close the position, you would need to spend more money. Therefore, it shows a loss. Selling call options is essentially capping the upside to prevent small losses.
Galaxy Gazer
Selling calls is like putting insurance on sideways stocks, buying calls is how you make money when they go up. I suggest studying options before acting. As you are now, you are not losing; you will earn less if it goes up past 95.2, and get nothing if it doesn't surpass it.
Galaxy Gazer : You are selling call options. When the stock price goes up, the call options increase in value. Your calls are short positions, which means if you want to close the position, you would need to spend more money. Therefore, it shows a loss. Selling call options is essentially capping the upside to prevent small losses.
帅气霸道 OP Galaxy Gazer : But what does it mean to be profitable on top?
Will closing it out be profitable?
Galaxy Gazer 帅气霸道 OP : The profit above is the profit from your underlying stock minus the loss from selling calls.
Galaxy Gazer : If it doesn't rise to 95.2 by March 21 next year, then you won't be at a loss.
目标不工作 Galaxy Gazer : It's really hard to say, if you add a weighted Fund.
帅气霸道 OP Galaxy Gazer : Do I need to exceed 90 in order to make a profit?
The profit above, subtracting the sale of CALL, didn't I make money?
帅气霸道 OP 目标不工作 : What is a weighted Fund?
Galaxy Gazer 帅气霸道 OP : Selling calls is like putting insurance on sideways stocks, buying calls is how you make money when they go up. I suggest studying options before acting. As you are now, you are not losing; you will earn less if it goes up past 95.2, and get nothing if it doesn't surpass it.
帅气霸道 OP Galaxy Gazer : How do you interpret this chart?
目标不工作 帅气霸道 OP : Index Fund class as well.
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