it's up at a value based on future predictions and it's crazy profit margins. maybe no more massive jumps for the rest of 2024 even on the biggest short days it didn't drop that much, there is tons of como and retail investor pressure on this. This stock has been a silver bullet in my portfolio on red market days, I'm not selling this until it's up into the $$$ area
101847806 : But it is good for selling covered calls.
Juhil Patel : must be crazy to think this stock is going to crash or correct its price
seems, it's going to 70-75 before December
BuyLowSellHigh69 : it's up at a value based on future predictions and it's crazy profit margins. maybe no more massive jumps for the rest of 2024
even on the biggest short days it didn't drop that much, there is tons of como and retail investor pressure on this. This stock has been a silver bullet in my portfolio on red market days, I'm not selling this until it's up into the $$$ area