Mimo803734 : it's gona take a long while sir
meowing : Same, as I target for long investment, I also do DCA. See cheap price, put money, come back when I am old (joking)
Master Corgi : No way
D3VIN-007 OP Mimo803734 : you don't know that.. no one knows that. This company will help the government. aka consistent cash flow.
JTTC19 : yea agree. good time to load up. Sell puts and let the price come to you.
Mimo803734 : overvalued . it needs correction to 60s
D3VIN-007 OP Mimo803734 : okay cool, you do you. I dont want people on this board to get scard. you bought a quality stock and it will go back up.. just give it time. Bears will get caught with this pants down once more.
Hoes for Harris Mimo803734 : it willl be over 100 by EOY. Screenshot this
Mimo803734 : it's gona take a long while sir
meowing : Same, as I target for long investment, I also do DCA. See cheap price, put money, come back when I am old (joking)
Master Corgi : No way
D3VIN-007 OP Mimo803734 : you don't know that.. no one knows that. This company will help the government. aka consistent cash flow.
JTTC19 : yea agree. good time to load up. Sell puts and let the price come to you.
Mimo803734 : overvalued . it needs correction to 60s
D3VIN-007 OP Mimo803734 : okay cool, you do you. I dont want people on this board to get scard. you bought a quality stock and it will go back up.. just give it time. Bears will get caught with this pants down once more.
Hoes for Harris Mimo803734 : it willl be over 100 by EOY. Screenshot this