This is my second trial of paper tradding with small initial fund and then growing bigger. This one started from September. Starting with $5,000, after 2months I’m now up 100%. Unfortunately, in my real account, I’m down over 50% in options trading. I’m really trying to understand why this keeps happening.
In my paper account, I’m far less emotional and often just ignore it when positions show a loss, allowing me to take on more risk at times. Recently, in my real account, I anticipated a market correction, so I sold most of my call options and averaged down on SQQQ calls. Meanwhile, in my paper account, I didn’t bother adjusting my calls. But then, the market rallied just before election day, and the next day’s IV crush hit, causing my puts and SQQQ calls to lose more than half their value or worse. My paper account, on the other hand, reached an all-time high alongside QQQ and SPY.
I’m really unsure how to match my paper trading performance in my real account. I’ve been learning about investing since April, but this gap is frustrating.
imo you haven’t been paper trading enough to gain emotional balance in real trading. Your greed is in control and your limited knowledge of options will be your demise. At least 1
yr. Trading your style of choice. Monitoring your mistakes and improving your skills then and only then, should you get into this arena of Gladiators otherwise you will be a member of the 90%club.
I Am 102927471 :
Ultratech : options are risky