103614707 : payment date is 21 August. so probably credit to your moomoo account within 1-2 days?.
NeoAppleDJ OP 103614707 : Ok, thanks
xoxosyl 103614707 : Mind if I ask that we will receive our dividend in Moomoo instead of direct credit to bank account?
103614707 xoxosyl : will be in your moomoo account
NeoAppleDJ OP 103614707 : I guess we still need to wait around 2-3 days for the dividends to be credited into our moomoo acount
103614707 : payment date is 21 August. so probably credit to your moomoo account within 1-2 days?.
NeoAppleDJ OP 103614707 : Ok, thanks
xoxosyl 103614707 : Mind if I ask that we will receive our dividend in Moomoo instead of direct credit to bank account?
103614707 xoxosyl : will be in your moomoo account
NeoAppleDJ OP 103614707 : I guess we still need to wait around 2-3 days for the dividends to be credited into our moomoo acount