105417856 : No. U need to hold until pass ex date.
103578562 OP 105417856 : thank you for the information !
WilliamPuah(M) : If you sell now, you won't receive any dividends. Please wait until October 9th.
Remoortel : https://www.moomoo.com/hans/community/feed/106701755121670
104498667 : if you sell now and buy back before ex date, you will still get
mzming 104498667 : 如果现在买它的股票,可以获得股息吗?
winson goh : Endure for a while and the wind will calm and the waves will be still.
104498667 mzming : as long as you buy before ex date, you should be able to get dividend
101550592 : 10th Sep 2024 is the ex date for dividend
KopiKat WilliamPuah(M) : Ex-date is 10th September, not October.
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105417856 : No. U need to hold until pass ex date.
103578562 OP 105417856 : thank you for the information !
WilliamPuah(M) : If you sell now, you won't receive any dividends. Please wait until October 9th.
Remoortel : https://www.moomoo.com/hans/community/feed/106701755121670
104498667 : if you sell now and buy back before ex date, you will still get
mzming 104498667 : 如果现在买它的股票,可以获得股息吗?
winson goh : Endure for a while and the wind will calm and the waves will be still.
104498667 mzming : as long as you buy before ex date, you should be able to get dividend
101550592 : 10th Sep 2024 is the ex date for dividend
KopiKat WilliamPuah(M) : Ex-date is 10th September, not October.
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