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Three stocks that analysts highly value even if they are ranked third or lower in the industry. Expectations for 'growth' with ROE of at least 8% even with PBR below 1.

ビットバレー投資家 wrote a column · Apr 11, 2024 16:19
There is also a view that whether PBR (Price-to-Book Ratio) exceeds 1 is like a watershed to determine whether a listed company is a "winner", as there are improvement requests from the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Some argue that in order to exceed a PBR of 1, companies should aim for an ROE (Return on Equity) of at least 8%.There are also companies that have an ROE of over 8%, but their PBR remains below 1.Among these companies, there are also cases where their position as the third or lower in the industry becomes a hindrance, and it is believed that the stock price is stagnant due to concerns about future growth potential.There are also cases where the position as the third or lower in the industry becomes a hindrance.It is also believed that there are cases where the stock price is stagnant due to concerns about future growth potential.There are also cases where the stock price is stagnant due to concerns about future growth potential.
Therefore,The third and subsequent three stocks, which have a ROE of 8% or higher in the previous period and are highly regarded by analysts, despite having a PBR of less than 1.Summarizing the "growth potential" and shareholder return policy of these stocks.
[Conditions for selecting stocks]
- PBR is less than 1
- ROE in the previous period is 8% or higher
- The average target stock price by analysts is higher than the current stock price
- Prime-listed companies
- Market capitalization is 500 billion yen or more
・The sales scale within the industry is third place or lower.
$Mazda Motor (7261.JP)$You can find the "News" feature under the "Market"-"More" section.Is the lifeline of the EV shift external support from companies such as Toyota and Panasonic HD?
Mazda is the 5th largest domestic auto manufacturer.ROE in the previous period was 10.42%, and the PBR at the closing price on the 11th is 0.696 times..
Analyst ratings
The comprehensive evaluation by 16 analysts is ""Slightly bullish"." and the average target stock price is 1917.86 yen, which is 6.9% higher than the closing price on the 11th (1794 yen)..
According to Morningstar's 5-star rating, it is 4 stars.According to the quarterly economic outlook released after the September FOMC meeting, a rate hike is expected once more this year. If the rate hike is postponed as expected at this meeting, The fair stock price is 2,719.94 yen, which is 51.6% higher than the closing price on the 11th..
Shareholder returns.
In the medium-term management plan until the end of March 2026,we aim to maintain a stable dividend payout ratio of at least 30%.The dividend payout ratio for the fiscal year ending March 2023 was 19.8%.
- Growth
Behind the company's PBR being below 1x, there are concerns about low operating margin and delayed shift to electric vehicles (EV).
Regarding the operating margin, this fiscal year has been successful due to the introduction of high-priced and high-profit-margin "large product group". The operating profit for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending in March 2024 (April to December 2023) reached a record high of 200.2 billion yen, and the operating margin improved by 1.6 percentage points compared to the same period last year to 5.6%. The company also expects to achieve its highest profit ever for the full year forecast.The operating margin is expected to improve by 1.6 percentage points compared to the same period last year to 5.6%.The company also expects to achieve its highest profit ever for the full year forecast.
Regarding the shift to EV, the company established the "Electric Vehicle Business Division" in November 2023 and revealed its policy to accelerate its efforts in electrification by concentrating resources. The company plans to invest 1.5 trillion yen by 2030, which falls behind Toyota Motor and others who plan to invest 5 trillion yen by the same year.
In an article dated July 27, 2023, on Toyo Keizai ONLINE, President Katsuhiro Mogome stated that the company aims to become a "determined follower" in EV development."A determined follower"It aims to efficiently promote the EV shift by leveraging the power of external partners who are promoting a global strategy. In China, in collaboration with its joint venture partner Changan Automobile, it plans to release EVs around 2025 (as of July 27, 2023, Toyo Keizai ONLINE). For the car-mounted system, which can be called the brain of the EV, it adopts the system developed by its business capital alliance partner. For the EV scheduled to be released in 2027, about 90% of the system will be common with Toyota (as reported on January 13, 2024, Nihon Keizai Shimbun). By achieving commonality with Toyota, it is expected to reduce investment in system development by 70-80%. Furthermore, for the battery, which can be called the heart of the EV, it has signed an agreement with Panasonic Energy to supply lithium-ion batteries (as of March 2024). $Toyota Motor (7203.JP)$and will adopt the system developed by Toyota.About 90% of the system will be common with Toyota in the EV scheduled to be released in 2027.According to reports on January 13, 2024, it is expected to be able to reduce investment in system development by 70-80% through commonality with Toyota. $Panasonic Holdings (6752.JP)$SubsidiaryIn March 2024, it signed an agreement with Panasonic Energy for the supply of lithium-ion batteries.for the supply of lithium-ion batteries.
Three stocks that analysts highly value even if they are ranked third or lower in the industry. Expectations for 'growth' with ROE of at least 8% even with PBR ...
$Yokohama Rubber (5101.JP)$You can find the "News" feature under the "Market"-"More" section.The profits from selling policy-held stocks will be used as acquisition funds for the restructuring of earnings.
Yokohama Rubber is the 3rd largest tire manufacturer in Japan and the 8th largest in the world.The previous period's ROE was 9.93% and the PBR at the closing price on the 11th is 0.872 times..
Analyst ratings
The overall evaluation by 8 analysts is "holdIn ",The average target stock price is 4300 yen, which is 7.1% higher than the closing price on the 11th (4016 yen)..
According to Morningstar's 5-step evaluation,4 starsAccording to the quarterly economic outlook released after the September FOMC meeting, a rate hike is expected once more this year. If the rate hike is postponed as expected at this meeting, The fair stock price is 5100.07 yen, which is 27.0% higher than the closing price on the 11th..
Shareholder returns.
In the medium-term management plan until 2026,The dividend payout ratio will be maintained at 20%, and the long-term total return ratio will be increased to 30%.As a shareholder.
Growth potential.
The background for the company's PBR being below 1 is believed to be concerns about the growth of the tire business for general passenger vehicles, which competes with top-tier manufacturers.
In response to this, the company plans to expand its business to include bus and truck tires.、農機用タイヤ(オフハイウェイタイヤ)など業務用車両向けのタイヤ事業の拡大による、収益構造の転換によって対応を進めてきた。23年5月にスウェーデンの農機用タイヤ大手のトレルボルグ・ホイール・システムズを約270 billion円で買収したことにより、オフハイウェイタイヤ市場で世界3位became.24年12月期には、初の売上高1 trillion円超えとともに、事業利益率も過去最高の10.8%を見込む.
同社の24年から26年までの中期経営計画では、乗用車向けタイヤ市場の成長率が2%であるのに対し、市場成長率が6%のオフハイウェイタイヤ市場に照準を絞り、「プログラマティックM&A(習慣的に行うM&A)」も実施していく方針In 24 years, it is planning 56 billion yen, and 220 billion yen of strategic investment by 26 years. Part of the original fund is the policy shareholding worth 77 billion yen as of 23 years,It is the intention to sell about 60 billion yen of policy shareholdings by 26 years and allocate it to acquisition funds.intention.
Three stocks that analysts highly value even if they are ranked third or lower in the industry. Expectations for 'growth' with ROE of at least 8% even with PBR ...
$Sojitz (2768.JP)$You can find the "News" feature under the "Market"-"More" section.Reform the profit structure of coal dependency by investing heavily in non-resource businesses.
Sojitz is the 7th largest general trading company in Japan.The previous ROE was 14.21%, and the PBR as of the 11th day's closing price is 0.975 times..
Analyst evaluation.
The comprehensive evaluation by 7 analysts is ""Slightly bullish".", The average target stock price is 4.7% higher at 4,184.29 yen compared to the closing price on the 11th (3,997 yen) .
By Morningstar's 5-level evaluation3 starsAccording to the quarterly economic outlook released after the September FOMC meeting, a rate hike is expected once more this year. If the rate hike is postponed as expected at this meeting, The fair stock price is 4,505.56 yen, which is 12.7% higher than the closing price on the 11th..
- Shareholder returns
In the basic policy of the medium-term management plan from fiscal year 2024 to fiscal year 2026,The adjusted DOE (shareholder capital dividend rate) is expected to be 4.5%.Progressive dividends will be implemented, with the lower limit dividend set at 4% of DOE until fiscal year 2023.
- Growth
The background of the company's PBR falling below 1 is believed to be its high dependence on resource-related industries such as coal.
In order to reduce its dependence on resource-related industries, the company is making investments mainly in non-resource businesses. Shibu...nt officer (CFO), the company allocated 85-90% of its overall investments to non-resource businesses, excluding equity retention, for the three years until the end of March 2024. As a result, the proportion of resources in the company's revenue is expected to be less than 40% for the fiscal year ending March 2024. The ratio of revenue from resource business to net profit, excluding one-time gains and losses, in the fiscal year ending March 2023 was 46.7%.
According to the company's basic policy regarding the medium-term management plan for the fiscal years 2024-2026, which was announced in November 2023, the company plans to invest over 500 billion yen and will continue to shift its investment focus towards non-resource businesses. (Same). (Same).
Three stocks that analysts highly value even if they are ranked third or lower in the industry. Expectations for 'growth' with ROE of at least 8% even with PBR ...
moomoo News Mark
Source: Various company websites, Nikkei newspaper, Toyo Keizai ONLINE
Three stocks that analysts highly value even if they are ranked third or lower in the industry. Expectations for 'growth' with ROE of at least 8% even with PBR ...
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