$Sojitz (2768.JP)$You can find the "News" feature under the "Market"-"More" section.
Reform the profit structure of coal dependency by investing heavily in non-resource businesses.Sojitz is the 7th largest general trading company in Japan.
The previous ROE was 14.21%, and the PBR as of the 11th day's closing price is 0.975 times..
Analyst evaluation.The comprehensive evaluation by 7 analysts is "
"Slightly bullish".",
The average target stock price is 4.7% higher at 4,184.29 yen compared to the closing price on the 11th (3,997 yen) .
By Morningstar's 5-level evaluation
3 starsAccording to the quarterly economic outlook released after the September FOMC meeting, a rate hike is expected once more this year. If the rate hike is postponed as expected at this meeting,
The fair stock price is 4,505.56 yen, which is 12.7% higher than the closing price on the 11th..
- Shareholder returnsIn the basic policy of the medium-term management plan from fiscal year 2024 to fiscal year 2026,
The adjusted DOE (shareholder capital dividend rate) is expected to be 4.5%.Progressive dividends will be implemented, with the lower limit dividend set at 4% of DOE until fiscal year 2023.
- Growth
The background of the company's PBR falling below 1 is believed to be its high dependence on resource-related industries such as coal.
In order to reduce its dependence on resource-related industries, the company is making investments mainly in non-resource businesses. Shibu...nt officer (CFO), the company allocated 85-90% of its overall investments to non-resource businesses, excluding equity retention, for the three years until the end of March 2024.
As a result, the proportion of resources in the company's revenue is expected to be less than 40% for the fiscal year ending March 2024.
The ratio of revenue from resource business to net profit, excluding one-time gains and losses, in the fiscal year ending March 2023 was 46.7%.
According to the company's basic policy regarding the medium-term management plan for the fiscal years 2024-2026, which was announced in November 2023, the company plans to invest over 500 billion yen and will continue to shift its investment focus towards non-resource businesses.
メル・チビ : That looks like an interesting brand.
I feel the potential.
熱血なカール_3961 メル・チビ : It's interesting in many ways

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