If you nothing better to do. Warren Buffett says: dont timing the markets. But if you want to try timing the markets. Here is my Pandas CNN Fear Index Play to try.
Warnings: 90%People lose money timing the markets. This posts is just supposed to add values for your timing markets knowledge data.
Here goes:
Step1: BTC GLD QQQ Daily Index Everyday. On iPhone homescreen.
Step2: Google Search: news. Everyday.
Step3: Surf CNN Fear Index Everyday:
Analyze the whole CNN AI Reports on her Fear Index. Is it more & more fear? Or is it more & more greed? If fear what to buy. If greed what to buy.
Step4: Play 7Tickers:
Just play these with 7Tickers. Too many dishes exhaust the cook.
Step5: Play Time:
Apple Stocks App - that ticker. For example above TQQQ. Is it bottom yet? Is it top yet?
Step6: Ordained Wife Helper. This law dictates: Bible GOD ordained that female as your Wife Helper. So let her keep tracks of your emergency funds & household expenses reserves.
Once salary in. Transfer everythings to her personal bank accounts. Ask her whether have excess funds to play. If yes. Get small token lump sums to plays. If no. Just salivate on markets news.
Reports say: 90% of the time. You will lose so much money. Your Wife will ask you to calm down your compulsive stocks gambler mental states. And you2 get your 2 acts together to plan for your household budgets futures.
FYI (For Your Info): a check with Wife CHOY. Just discovered we are shortfalls of -37000.00SGD to reach 10Years time retirements sums to cash out. So me PANDA is toning down on Moomoo to build more emergency funds & households reserves first. Just salivating on market news. Have you ever talk to your Wife. What? You2 dont talk. Just see each other wtf (what the f) times?
Disclaimer: me PANDA is in the monk entertainments industry. And this post should be treated as pure pandas entertainments.
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