commented on a stock · Oct 18, 2023 19:59
PCT: If Me Buy Stock Today v17.0
PCT = Pandas Coffee Talk.
Yes we pandas are stupid. But if me PANDA buy shares in Moomoo today. Confirmed will be smarter. Why?
Let’s take 2Stocks = MSFT & AAPL. And do my today analysis using my latest smarter shares picks analysis methods. Recommend you do all potential other stocks accordingly. And choose yours. Me is not buying into MSFT & AAPL. And it is not AVGO or NVDA or AMD also. Have a better one. Not revealing to prevent short sellers. So here goes 3Sample Stock Picks Analysis = MSFT & AAPL & let say a random Stock AVGO.
Google search: <ticker> 10 year return. Click Morning Star. So your choice is obvious AVGO you say. Wait for my next step…
You Apple Stock App: search <ticker> - All. You notice AVGO do not really move in a smooth line trend. Need one-time market timings in & out. MSFT & AAPL is more auto-invest = Buy & Forget. Me have a better Buy & Forget stock. Not revealing.
Let’s say out of these 3Choices = MSFT AAPL AVGO. Me PANDA will choose AAPL +26% because AVGO +32% extra 10% is very difficult to in out market timing to capture. Me have a better one +80% and is as little works as AAPL. It is not AVGO or NVDA or AMD. Not revealing here to protect from short sellers.
Do your own due diligence homeworks. We will compare TTM% every month. Me PANDA is 50% in TFLO Bonds. So if you cannot beat me. You go & eat shits.
Recommend if you are newbie choose 50% TFLO bonds + 50% AAPL or MSFT. Take 50% of +26% autopilot. Pandas 50% of +80% trade secrets even me reveal to you. Will be so short sellers hacked it become useless like AMD 50% of +32% anyway. Me PANDA say if you market timing in & out of AMD you cannot even get 50% of +32%. Will be lower than if you stay autopilot in 50% of AAPL +26%.
Me PANDA settled for second best Auto-Invest Stock = also known as Buy & Forget Stock. Not revealing. Because scare of short-sellers. AAPL is my third best Auto-Invest Stock. MSFT is my fourth.
Disclaimer: me PANDA is in the monk entertainments industry. And this post should be treated as pure pandas entertainments.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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