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Israel-Hamas war: Oil prices & defense stocks surge on war fears
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PCT: Then Come Israel Wars v23.0

PCT: Pandas Coffee Talk.
At first each day as normal. Boring but steady returns. QQQY by right will give MDiv Monthly Dividend 1.10USD next month 5Nov. JEPY by right will give MDiv Monthly Dividend 0.90USD next month 5Nov. Each trading days QQQY increase value +1.00USD per day. Each trading days JEPY increase +1.00USD per day. NVDA fractional shares loose changes of 30.00USD give increase value +0.12USD per day. That mean 1.00*20 + 1.00*20 + 0.12USD*20 + 20.00USD = 62.00USD per month = 62.00USD out of 400.00USD = +10% per month.
What can probably go wrong? Then come Israel Wars. Oil stocks go up. Gold stocks go up. Defense stocks go up. Then my trading fingers start to get itchy. Transfer all to defense stocks. Lost -23.00USD in a day. Wtf (What the f)!!!
Just like a happily married guy. Everyday day in day out. Normal steady boring life. Suddenly a adulterous female come out. Start to get itchy. And whole life turned upside down.
In Conclusion: not easy to be a steady boring Warren Buffett. You get all sorts of stupid tradings ideas come along when the unexpected happen.
FYI For Your Info: me revert back to QQQY x10 JEPY x10 NVDA fractional shares tonite. With hard learnt Moomoo University lessons of additional -23.00USD of stupid Israel Wars Oct2023.
But me have a weird weird feelings each unexpected events like military wars FOMC COVID will costs me -23.00USD = -23.00USD of 400.00USD = -5% returns. Because me PANDA is a itchy stupid idiots always triggered by big headlines to have all sorts of tradings ideas.
Head Kick to my pandas head: Dear me PANDA. Listen carefully. Warren Buffett say buy SPY. JEPY is a kind of SPY. Me PANDA say buy QQQ. QQQY is a kind of QQQ. Unlike TSLY which up down. Which you only get +0.60USD dividends a month. JEPY & QQQY you get each +1.00USD dividends a month. But you also rider on SPY & QQQ daily with a about +1.00USD returns increase a day. Dear PANDA. Please consider Dividends Snowball on QQQY & JEPY.
Dear me PANDA. 18.00USD QQQY is projected to go to like 47.00USD JEPQ. In 1Year time by Oct2024 based on JEPQ chess history.
Dear me PANDA. 18.00USD JEPY is expected to go up to 53.00USD JEPI. In 1Year time by Oct2024 based on JEPI chess history.
Dear me PANDA. Since you dont have brains. It is no brainer to keep on loading Dividends Snowball on QQQY & JEPY. Until a JEPD rumoured 100%MDividends similar 0ETD ETF come into market next year 2024.
On second thoughts. We male Trading Jedi need some sorts of play money. To keep our mind sharp. Dear me PANDA. 10.00USD = fractional shares play money is approved. You can play Oil Gold Defense Vix TQQQQ SQQQ TSLA NVDA Stocks during this Israel War period. But dont touch core money. But me PANDA predict you will turn 10.00USD into 2.00USD as usual. Recommend we pandas take a nominal sum trading play money. Like males friends beer & pizza & poker money to hang out with the boys to feel we can keep up with the boys. Alternatively is jeopardize our main core investing sums.
Me PANDA is sorts of self-learned pyschologist. My recommendations to all maverick pandas. Warren Buffett may be a outlier alien old man boring compulsive disorder psychopath. That mean everyday Warren Buffett (extremist left-minded) must be 90% doing same things everyday. We Pandas (extremist right-minded) is opposite must be 90% doing different things everyday. Warren Buffett sees changes to working systems of tradings as disruptive dangerous. Me PANDA sees no changes to working systems of tradings as too contended dangerous. We pandas simply cannot stay still as a deadwood dont do anythings to our portfolio. So our only solutions cures is to divide our Moomoo money to 90% Core Investing Sum + 10% Experimental Play Money. In order not to do too much stupid experimental things into all 100%.
Me is diagnozed by IMH Singapore Mental Ward to have very disruptive disorder. Me is still kept alive today because me is a driver for constructive breakthroughs of many difficult problems. But my part of deal is to be not too disruptive become no reasons for being in existences. My pandas understandings: GOD creates us humans to have left brain & right brain. So Zen Master: balance!!! Balance. Compulsive-Disruptive balance!!!
Remember chess history shows Warren Buffett to be a boring billionaire funds manager. Chess history shows me PANDA to be a sensational money writer. To leverage on our each other strengths. Warren Buffett is better off to live longer & longer to remain boring. Me PANDA is better off to earn a livings as sensational mad-dog writer. If we pandas want to earn some money in investings. Best is divided 90%:10% as core safe & play money. 90% to ensure our retirement funds. 10% to get enough kicks to have our pandas ways of life. Me PANDA recommends you see that 90% as investing sums. That 10% as operational entertainments expenses.
Let’s play. You should know pandas has all sorts of weird weird ideas to tradings in Moomoo. For example. Because of Israel Wars. By right LMT Defense Stocks will shoot up on earnings reports on 17/10/2023. By right NOC Defense Stocks will shoot up on earnings reports on 26/10/2023. FOMC Fed Open Market Committee meeting on 30Oct-1Nov will shoot down market. NVDA will shoot up on earnings reports 16Nov. Let’s pay. Me have 10.00USD fractional shares play money budget.
Disclaimer: me PANDA is in the monk entertainments industry. And this post should be treated as pure pandas entertainments.
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    Small fry monk investor. New in investing & trading. See myself going Trillionaire. Eternal life & nothing better to do.