OKOK, I'm not following the same trade, but you say you're right. Let's see the outcome tomorrow. If we lose, we lose; if we win, we double the earnings.
方展博 一博
Ask u a question is tat NVIDIA report good? Than why drop so much at post market after report come out? Now the share price is not follow the report ok? It only follow option which way many people to bet than will open the opposite side that all!
152438716 : hold it overnight?
迷迷糊糊就赚钱 :
迷迷糊糊就赚钱 : Warrior
Lucky11每天賺一萬刀 OP 迷迷糊糊就赚钱 : I follow institutional large orders, just wait to see tomorrow's lottery results.
Lucky11每天賺一萬刀 OP 152438716 : Yes
迷迷糊糊就赚钱 Lucky11每天賺一萬刀 OP : Institutions also have a large amount of short sell orders.
Lucky11每天賺一萬刀 OP 迷迷糊糊就赚钱 : OKOK, I'm not following the same trade, but you say you're right. Let's see the outcome tomorrow. If we lose, we lose; if we win, we double the earnings.
103450957 : dn put bro qr result good
方展博 一博 103450957 : Ask u a question is tat NVIDIA report good? Than why drop so much at post market after report come out? Now the share price is not follow the report ok? It only follow option which way many people to bet than will open the opposite side that all!
103450957 : gg u bro gl
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