why do you feel it would rise that high? new yearly forecast is 125 from some analysts, there is no reason to believe that the company will become more profitable as they focus on spending money competitively to maintain market share, they won't be buying back shares or issuing dividends in the future, there isn't much prospect of a return at the moment for your investment
other than it rising from speculation that things will improve, I would be happy to be wrong but my view has turned pessimistic after yesterday
corbotron : why do you feel it would rise that high? new yearly forecast is 125 from some analysts, there is no reason to believe that the company will become more profitable as they focus on spending money competitively to maintain market share, they won't be buying back shares or issuing dividends in the future, there isn't much prospect of a return at the moment for your investment
corbotron corbotron : other than it rising from speculation that things will improve, I would be happy to be wrong but my view has turned pessimistic after yesterday
2024leggo corbotron : i am pessimistic too