moomoo13妹 OP : Ready to receive long-term dividends
我勒个去 moomoo13妹 OP : I bought 28 and it kept falling after I bought it, ah
联连勝 moomoo13妹 OP : The same
Sera : Buy.
Deep Sea : Buy and hold long term if your buying price is 28 and below. The high dividend yield will help to lower your dca price.
moomoo13妹 OP 联连勝 : This price is very attractive.
103452310 : Good results, great dividends and with the DJ at record high. This counter is going down, what does it tell you
moomoo13妹 OP : Ready to receive long-term dividends
我勒个去 moomoo13妹 OP : I bought 28 and it kept falling after I bought it, ah
联连勝 moomoo13妹 OP : The same
Sera : Buy.
Deep Sea : Buy and hold long term if your buying price is 28 and below. The high dividend yield will help to lower your dca price.
moomoo13妹 OP 联连勝 : This price is very attractive.
103452310 : Good results, great dividends and with the DJ at record high. This counter is going down, what does it tell you