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Played bullies

Everyone here should know how this played out. About three months ago BR, VG, SS and several other big name players put several billion into this stock and a few weeks ago had to file Sec reports. Then during the night just a day or two after the assassination attempt between the hours of 10pm and 3am some unknowns on low volume pushed the price to $55 from $32 or so. Now I wonder who could do that and then started the avelanche of shorts, like yelling fire in a theather... Setting off every dog whistle on the planet, publications harping, alerts beeping off the wall and a shorting freenze. Yep, stealing every investment dollar the company had. Maybe you could think of it like someone building a house where the foundation is poured, dumps the lumber in the front then the clowns down the street backs up the truck rips off all the wood. The next day the same people show up and complain there is no renters....
Reuters Aug. 14 and Benzinga Aug 15, Trump Media News...
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