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Bear Hunting Diary on Friday

Bear Hunting Diary
On Friday.

Goal: Earn pocket money while sleeping peacefully
Collaborative Goals
* English grading Five words a day, take the exam at the end of the year
* Keeping records of programming both software and hardware investments and fitness, (when it hits the support level, there should be a hardware reminder to do push-ups. Body management and stock position management 📈 are forcibly linked)
Newbie-friendly tech investment blogger, promoting financial literacy and social interaction to help oneself.
Fitness and wellness (promoting sleep) blogger promoting self-help.

Approach: 90% dynamic RSP, 10% aggressive investment experiments.

According to the plan, quickly form teams, refrain from easily trading individual stocks in the future, and arrange battle teams for comprehensive hunting.

Annual goal: 20% growth. Given the team of the hosts of 'US Stock Combat', consisting of a finance professor and a technology engineering manager, they have set their minimum high-tech stock target at 20%.

Below are the updates on the group for regular investment:
First team, Buffett + 5 indices.

**First team: Five large caps & Buffett (with MCO?)
- IWM annual growth of 22%, five-year growth of 42% (stable and moderate)
- SPY 28, 90
- QQQ 30, 152
- DIA 22, 55
- SOXQ 12, 56 (only about three years)
- BRK.B 23, 116 (in comparison with Buffett)
- Modi Stock Market Analysis MCO 44, 134 (why such good performance, should SGDI 34, 110 be included here?)

Second Team: high5 + RSPT + Buffett**
- IWY increased by 36% annually, and increased by 149% in five years (a gathering of technology stock veterans)
- MOAT 22, 88 (a winning combination of DIA and IWM)
- rsp 29, 109 (equally weighted technology stocks, assisting)
- RSP 21, 60 (equally weighted diversified stocks)
- PFF 9.25, -9.5 (financial experts with a monthly interest rate of over 6%)
- VNQ 21, 6.8 (real estate rental income with a monthly interest rate of 2.1%)
- - BRK.B 23, 116 (compared with Buffett, assisting defense)

**Third Team: SF_BAY Sci-Fi Valley Team**
- VGT 35, 168 (90% information technology)
- VUG 35, 128 (50% big technology, 13% wireless network public utility)
MAGS 46, 46 (less than a year, equal weighting of the seven giants Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Meta, Nvidia, and Tesla)
- SMH 63, 297 (Huawei, TSMC, Broadcom, AMD, German Instrument, ASML, AD, AMAT, QCOM, and Lam)

The fifth team, the Expedition Team, small amount practice strategy: equal weighting half and half: learning from the King Wolf for long-term value investment (leveraged trading on the large cap index for half a year) + in the premise of clear trend in the large cap, chasing higher stock prices in the second half of the market and settling daily (cast the net for 3.5 hours, close the net in half an hour daily, secure the gains).

Currently only focusing on the top six out of ten fingers: Taiwan Semiconductor, Nvidia, Tesla, AMD and Apple, Qualcomm, followed by Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, and Meta. Watching the top six fingers is enough, which means the mind is full. Other positions can only be experimented on a small scale. Weekly progressive adjustments. Establishing small positions to seek market trends. For example, Powerchip and others are risky investments, will likely be trapped sooner or later despite the current rise, preparing to sell at the right opportunity.

todo Knowledge posting, English videos, top ten recommendations before dividend distribution

The Wolf King emphasized in the first minute of the speech that he leveraged for half a year to a year, with 30% of the financial amount for 'Russell 2000' and leveraged 25% of the financial amount to long Philadelphia semiconductors, while the rest is cash reserves for additional investment. It seems that he has very few individual stock holdings. Today, he is still optimistic because the UVXY panic index is still falling.

This long-term strategy of chasing the large cap allows for a peaceful night's sleep. I just need a good sleep. I wake up to see a bullish trend and happily reduce holdings. If it falls, I am also happy to increase positions. This is what I want: to make money peacefully in my dreams.

Research: Mr. Li added five lots of Visa.
Recommend buying commercial property rent for long-term bullish outlook, paypal is currently at the bottom, TLT not exceeding 100 is acceptable.https://youtu.be/WmCuUA1dHHI?si=c1WUUR2csjYvKUjU

【US Stock Actual Combat】Host introduces methods for choosing entry points:https://youtu.be/tBJ_AxIui6U?si=AKAYYZ1Z8cXCri6c
Every week at 7:03, buying Warren Buffett's stocks balances the risk, but recently its vice president has decreased shareholding by half, indicating internal issues. However, I have already become a shareholder of Buffett's Microsoft.

TODO carefully study the several recommended stocks by this blogger, these are AI hot picks that have already been listed. It is difficult to make big moves without generating electricity.

Summary, a day of organizing thoughts! Also need to discuss strategy and tactics with knowledgeable individuals.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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  • InGodITrust OP : Correction: The fourth team's main stock selection focuses on ETFs, with a small number of individual stocks to gauge the direction.

    The fourth team's dividend stocks team (criteria for inclusion: annual growth, dividend payout safety, including weight and annual growth rate):
    - SCHD 15%
    - VYM 15%
    - VIG 12%

    The individual stocks to watch:
    - WBN 13.70: Pharmacy is amazing, in the health industry
    - MO 7%: Focus on cannabis-infused fruit-flavored e-cigarettes
    - VZ 6.05, T 5.2: Communication networks and public services

    For the financial sector, stable dividend payouts are prioritized over stock growth. It's a saving strategy with a safety net.
    - BEN financial planning 5.89
    - TROW financial planning 4.45
    - UBC 5.57% US bank

    If you still feel unsafe, you can consider using Buffett to balance the portfolio.

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