Omnistar OP : im in at 1.82 before anyone says im bagholding
Maremare : Enough time to key in the price or not? The circuit breaker always trips in less than 1 minute. Never seen before.
BeArocket : so today TP until 6 bucks
Omnistar OP Maremare : not sure, people could have limit slotted for 3.70 to cover
Omnistar OP BeArocket : would be pretty sweet to see at least 8
Maremare Omnistar OP : Down also CB, up also CB and it is just barely 5%
Omnistar OP : im in at 1.82 before anyone says im bagholding
Maremare : Enough time to key in the price or not? The circuit breaker always trips in less than 1 minute. Never seen before.
BeArocket : so today TP until 6 bucks
Omnistar OP Maremare : not sure, people could have limit slotted for 3.70 to cover
Omnistar OP BeArocket : would be pretty sweet to see at least 8
Maremare Omnistar OP : Down also CB, up also CB and it is just barely 5%