AlViN LEw : I pointed high I'm scared.
103665306 OP AlViN LEw : 多少
AlViN LEw : 23.2 is a bit higher, a bit lower
104879029 : 21 better
AlViN LEw 104879029 : I'm waiting for 21.44
104879029 AlViN LEw : GL to all of us
103665306 OP : The opening of 25 was perfect
AlViN LEw : I pointed high I'm scared.
103665306 OP AlViN LEw : 多少
AlViN LEw : 23.2 is a bit higher, a bit lower
104879029 : 21 better
AlViN LEw 104879029 : I'm waiting for 21.44
104879029 AlViN LEw : GL to all of us
103665306 OP : The opening of 25 was perfect