There is no holy grail method in trading. No one can predict 100% for sure. Plan your trading wisely, determine where to entry, where to TP, where to Stop Loss
Fibo 0.236 is 0.18. TP at 0.23 or 0.28 or 0.36. If price go down just average down. It maybe go up later because of the volume.
andy(三叔) : Stuck between 0.200 and 0.205... Not enough
azizakmal OP andy(三叔) : We'll see
azizakmal OP : Go!!!
104133421 : still wait and down back 0.19 now
azizakmal OP 104133421 : you EP where? should EP at fibo 0.236
azizakmal OP 104133421 : There is no holy grail method in trading. No one can predict 100% for sure. Plan your trading wisely, determine where to entry, where to TP, where to Stop Loss
104133421 azizakmal OP : I buy this on 0.20
azizakmal OP 104133421 : Fibo 0.236 is 0.18. TP at 0.23 or 0.28 or 0.36. If price go down just average down. It maybe go up later because of the volume.
MM3798 : May i know how to read this bottom indicator ( got green , yellow and red colour)? is from Moomoo platform ? Thank you
MM3798 : Please tell me how to see the following indicators with green circles? Is this an indicator in moomoo? Thank you.
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