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Police confirm that MyAirline founder Wu Huanhua and his wife and children have been arrested!

Police confirm that MyAirline founder Wu Huanhua and his wife and children have been arrested!
(Petaling Jaya, 18th) Dato' Sri Nanli, director of the National Police Commercial Crime Investigation Department, confirmed that the airline founders arrested by the police yesterday were MyAirline founder and majority shareholder Dato' Wu Huanhua and his wife and children!
When South Lee was interviewed by this newspaper this morning, it was confirmed that the police arrested 3 people last night and that they will apply for additional detentions this morning.
According to information, Wu Huanhua, his wife and children will be taken to the Zengjiang Detention Center and detained.
Nan Lee said yesterday that the three people mentioned above will assist the police in carrying out investigations under the 2001 Anti-Money Laundering, Prevention of Terrorist Financing, and Proceeds from Illegal Activities Act.
Wu Huanhua, 57, and his wife, Natine Leung Yin-lai (55), and son Wu Sihan (26), were arrested yesterday evening (17th) at their home in Shah Alam.
According to data, the two companies where Wu Huanhua is also a director hold up to 98% of MyAirline's shares, while the remaining 2% or 40,000 shares are controlled by Zhang Qingfu, the former CEO of MyAirline. Leung Yin-lai and Wu Sihan are also directors of MyAirline.

Source: Xingzhou Network
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