The driving force behind every Presidential election is money and the players involved will be rewarded eventually. In Trumps case, the continuous persecution fron the Marxists in trying to shackle capitalism and economic nationalism with an authoritarian government that wants total control over its subjects will either drive the aristocrats to support a President that stands unequivocally with the capitalists or choose one Harris that sides with redistribution of wealth, high taxation, eventually crushing the Bill of Rights and shall we mention the added dilemma of taxing “unrealized gains” thus affecting Corporate America that ultimately provides their citizens with employment. Shall I mention illegal immigration to possibly disrupt the election process? DJT media will undoubtedly prosper if He wins the election but if he doesn’t the wrath of the enemies of our nation will destroy him or continue to do their best at imprisoning him. Let us not forget the IRS agents ready to steal peoples wealth if Harris wins.
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