every week there's a handful of new advertisers , 2-3-4 biotech and small cap microcap companies that run 15 to 30 second commercials on CNBC about who they are what they're working on and the stock symbol is always front and center of the entire commercial
George Soros II : What now?
72216913 OP George Soros II : Bispecific Antibody, APVO442, Differentiated to Treat Prostate Cancer With Precision Tumor Targeting and Reduced Risk of Side Effects
10baggerbamm : they're pumping this up on CNBC commercials I just saw one a second ago
72216913 OP 10baggerbamm : Really? That’s incredible love to hear that
10baggerbamm 72216913 OP : every week there's a handful of new advertisers , 2-3-4 biotech and small cap microcap companies that run 15 to 30 second commercials on CNBC about who they are what they're working on and the stock symbol is always front and center of the entire commercial