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Prime Minister Netanyahu received support as usual during his visit to the United States.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu became the center of attention during his visit to the US, received bipartisan support, and is used to ignoring the few American politicians who criticize his country.
However, this visit to the United States took place during a period when the American presidential election was refracted because President Joe Biden of the Democratic Party announced that he would abandon re-election the day before Prime Minister Netanyahu arrived. Instead of finding politicians who wanted to meet him, Prime Minister Netanyahu spent most of his trip hidden in the shadows of local events.
Then there was a rocket attack on Saturday in the town of Druze in the Golan Heights, which killed 12 people, and he was forced to cancel his trip. Israel blamed Hezbollah for the attack, but Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon, has denied responsibility.
The European Union (EU) called for an independent investigation into this incident, and most countries avoided blaming either side, but America blamed Hezbollah for being behind the attack, highlighting its dependence on Washington now that Prime Minister Netanyahu is deepening isolation at home and abroad.
Many Israeli citizens are dissatisfied with the inability to secure the release of prisoners of war who have been taken away in an attack led by Hamas on October 7 and continue to be held in Gaza, and the Israeli leader's domestic popularity is sluggish as never before.
In Washington DC, Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered his fourth address to the American Congress. However, dozens of lawmakers boycotted the event in protest against Israel's actions in Gaza, where the Israeli military has killed close to 0.04 million Palestinians since October 7.
Prime Minister Netanyahu was able to meet with Mr. Biden, Democratic Party's new presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Republican candidate Donald Trump.
However, after the talks, Harris emphasized the suffering of the people of Gaza. Even President Trump said last week that Israel needed to quickly end its war against Gaza.
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