No, I buy, hold and average. I bought in the high of 280, 300 and it went all the way down to 102. I average in at 180, 140 & 150. it is not possible to buy at the lowest... I bought in not because of EV business, but because of the 25k car. Because I want to own a Tesla car too
Energy, FSD, Cybercab turn out to be a bonus.
The next bonus I think is Optimus
I am still holding, heaven sold yet. Darren Yoong got 2000 shares. Holding for long term. Now should be much easier to hold
Gainer42069 : Can you please treat me to McDonald's?
wahlao : Buy me kopi can already
102762359 : U play options?
bull牛 : Can I have dinner?
DoRaeMi OP 102762359 : No, I buy, hold and average. I bought in the high of 280, 300 and it went all the way down to 102. I average in at 180, 140 & 150. it is not possible to buy at the lowest... I bought in not because of EV business, but because of the 25k car. Because I want to own a Tesla car too
Energy, FSD, Cybercab turn out to be a bonus.
The next bonus I think is Optimus
I am still holding, heaven sold yet. Darren Yoong got 2000 shares. Holding for long term. Now should be much easier to hold
DoRaeMi OP bull牛 : u be my girlfriend, I take care of u, haha
bull牛 DoRaeMi OP : Really? I live in Singapore, is that so?
看神吃饭 : 200K can buy Model Y already..
DoRaeMi OP DoRaeMi OP : Yes. if u are ok and if we hit off well when we meet, haha
bull牛 : Okay ! Free we can meet up dinner in Singapore