Super Star
It is difficult to predict stocks. The news we see is also all second-hand news that is lagging behind. Sometimes, even bookmakers deliberately use the news to harvest chives, but only the transaction price and volume cannot fool people; they are all piled up with real money. We need to learn to watch the market to understand the intentions and movements of the main players. The intentions and trends of the main force also change at any time depending on market reactions, so it is very difficult to predict stock prices, because if you actually guess and announce it, he may change his strategy and even calculate it. Therefore, stock reviews are not reliable; it all depends on how the main force wants to use your stock reviews.
加油加油吧 : How bullish is it
FT DLT_7280 : Eternally Okami
Super Star OP : It is difficult to predict stocks. The news we see is also all second-hand news that is lagging behind. Sometimes, even bookmakers deliberately use the news to harvest chives, but only the transaction price and volume cannot fool people; they are all piled up with real money. We need to learn to watch the market to understand the intentions and movements of the main players. The intentions and trends of the main force also change at any time depending on market reactions, so it is very difficult to predict stock prices, because if you actually guess and announce it, he may change his strategy and even calculate it. Therefore, stock reviews are not reliable; it all depends on how the main force wants to use your stock reviews.
加油加油吧 Super Star OP : Yes