Analyst 五代雄介 : Where is the evidence?
股海踏浪 OP Analyst 五代雄介 : The evidence is that I started heavily shorting bitcoin.
leoneday 股海踏浪 OP : Now preparing to hit 100,000.
股海踏浪 OP leoneday : What are you afraid of? I have already played three round trips for 60 cents, and the current cost is already below $11.
Analyst 五代雄介 : Where is the evidence?
股海踏浪 OP Analyst 五代雄介 : The evidence is that I started heavily shorting bitcoin.
leoneday 股海踏浪 OP : Now preparing to hit 100,000.
股海踏浪 OP leoneday : What are you afraid of? I have already played three round trips for 60 cents, and the current cost is already below $11.