癞气疤子 OP : mainland and Hong Kong broker stocks shoot up again today
louis sss : Not necessarily, you also need to look at the company's operating status
癞气疤子 OP louis sss : To reflect in performance, it will take at least until Q4, by then the daylilies will have cooled down.
louis sss 癞气疤子 OP : Maybe you are right, but please communicate in a civilized manner.
癞气疤子 OP louis sss : Playing these stocks is all about using a small amount of money to gamble for a big return. Are you focusing on these stocks in order to be fully invested? Advising others to do the same is equally immoral.
louis sss 癞气疤子 OP : If you can make big profits for sure, why not fully invest? Foolish.
癞气疤子 OP : mainland and Hong Kong broker stocks shoot up again today
louis sss : Not necessarily, you also need to look at the company's operating status
癞气疤子 OP louis sss : To reflect in performance, it will take at least until Q4, by then the daylilies will have cooled down.
louis sss 癞气疤子 OP : Maybe you are right, but please communicate in a civilized manner.
癞气疤子 OP louis sss : Playing these stocks is all about using a small amount of money to gamble for a big return. Are you focusing on these stocks in order to be fully invested? Advising others to do the same is equally immoral.
louis sss 癞气疤子 OP : If you can make big profits for sure, why not fully invest? Foolish.