Smokey The Bear : reverse trend incoming good shorts position as well
Warren Buff OP Smokey The Bear : starting a position here, lets see how it runs out
Smokey The Bear Warren Buff OP : me 2 today
Warren Buff OP Smokey The Bear : after reading the bad news, its not THAT bad that it could cause an 80% drop on the price. I personally think that the market overreacted a bit too much
Smokey The Bear Warren Buff OP : decent open today
Smokey The Bear : reverse trend incoming good shorts position as well
Warren Buff OP Smokey The Bear : starting a position here, lets see how it runs out
Smokey The Bear Warren Buff OP : me 2 today
Warren Buff OP Smokey The Bear : after reading the bad news, its not THAT bad that it could cause an 80% drop on the price. I personally think that the market overreacted a bit too much
Smokey The Bear Warren Buff OP : decent open today