Do people really know what Quantum Technology is when buying Stocks? Quantum well, qubit, entangled state, how to store information, need to be at extremely low temperatures, a bunch of problems leading to the current stage can only output data in the laboratory, data costs are frighteningly high, JC just said that it is currently infeasible for commercial use, that's the truth.
103365182 : I think more than half did not know what’s quantum technology, they just want to earn $$ by chasing on the stock price.
151876437 : Ten years ago, you could also say NVIDIA, Tesla!
Today's mobile phones weren't even a dream thirty years ago.
Isn't it???
Baopihuang talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk, he's also working on quantum. This time, maybe he is the fiercest buyer!!!
However, this method is a bit despicable, the person's character is not good, no sense of martial virtue, looks too ugly!!!
71386759 OP : Stock prices reflect future revenue, isn't Tesla and NVIDIA's high stock prices precisely reflecting high profits? Even quantum companies haven't started making profits yet.