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$QuantumScape (QS.US)$ Is the main force driving up shipment...

$QuantumScape (QS.US)$ Is the main force driving up shipments
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  • Samur : It's been rising for a few days, what boosted shipments! Don't scare yourself; be afraid when you fall and be afraid when you rise. How can this work? There are financial reports for next week. There was a 40% increase in January, which boosted shipments. After the announcement of this good news, the stock price was limited to around 7 yuan on that day. This was because the agency deliberately pressured the stock price so that it had enough time to get on the bus, so the stock price rose so slowly. If you take a look at the moving averages, they are all neatly arranged below the stock price upward channel. This is a rare arrangement of bulls. It is an arrangement that can only be formed when the stock price reverses after a long period of downturn. If you haven't entered the market yet, wait until the stock price pulls back to buy, and if you have already got on the bus, take it. I haven't bought during this time because my habit is to trade on the left, that is, buy on dips, and you have to invest according to your style. However, now is a good time to buy on the right, as the rise will give investors more confidence after a few days. Solid-state batteries are like Open AI in the beginning. The market always needs stories. If VW has its own story, then other car companies should follow suit. This is a competitive relationship.

  • 炒股票 : The more afraid I am of not being able to make money in the month

  • 牛坡 OP : The reason is this; it's just that it's hard to beat the cold in high places

  • Samur 牛坡 OP : Less than ten yuan is a high place, so look a little farther.

  • 牛坡 OP : Let's feel the stock
