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$Rail Vision (RVSN.US)$ people you'll never going to learn t...

$Rail Vision (RVSN.US)$ people you'll never going to learn this stock never holds a rally just look at every Spike their sellers immediately there's so much overhead in this stock there's people that are dumping it. so the lesson don't chase don't buy it there's better companies that don't get pumped up and collapse the same day and the clowns that think I'm shorting it you should go back and look what I buy it's not this garbage I even said to avoid it that this company's running out of cash.
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  • Awry : If you think like that, then why aren’t you shorting it? It sounds like easy money

  • Awry : The problem isn’t running out of money if you have the product to sell. And they started to sell it by having these partnerships. Their problem is people are not treating the stock like an investment but a short play. That’s how MM can push the price drop

  • 10baggerbamm OP Awry : I suggest you learn how to read their financial statement their burn rate is going to have them exhausting all of their cash this calendar year..

  • Awry 10baggerbamm OP : Again, then why aren’t you shorting it?

    You said you had a brokerage and you raised money from angel investors. Are they too stupid to raise money? Or are they too stupid to expending their business in Europe and US, two top rail transportation markets?

    The cash burn rate is preventing them to do share buybacks and lets MM regulate price. Do you have a comment on their product that they are selling?

  • 10baggerbamm OP : I'll tell you why I'm not a fan of shorting stocks it's reason is very simple when you short the maximum that you can make is from the current price to zero that's the absolute best case scenario. the reality is on any given day week or month stocks don't go to zero you may get a 10 or 20% sell-off but that's basically it then you get consolidation and then you get the traders back in that type of thing so by buying great companies that are Market leaders that are generating significant cash flow you're upside is unlimited.. therefore it's in my best interest as an investor to buy companies that I feel have the ability to go up 10 fold in the future not go down from a dollar to zero.

  • 10baggerbamm OP Awry : I'm not opposed to selectively buying speculative investments. and I'm not opposed to buying them and trading them if they are high beta which means they move very quick and then what I will typically do is I leave the profits in the company and I forget about it so if I make $1,000 in a company and it's speculative I'll just leave it in there and see what it turns into I have 35 plus years in the business I've done this I did it during the com era and many of the companies went bankrupt but some of them are the biggest companies to date and I still have them with the cost basis well I have Amazon at $18 cost basis put it that way and it was a trade that worked I tried trading it before collapsed multiple times I lost money and then after collapse I traded it once made a few bucks I left it in a few bucks is turned into an enormous position

  • 10baggerbamm OP : the speculative company that I do own right now which is basically dead in the water because there's no volume is kndi. number one they just turned to profit in the fourth quarter they're no longer losing money.. number two they trade at 1 and 1/2 times revenue which is absurd you cannot find another publicly traded company that trades at 1.5 times revenue meaning if you wanted to acquire the whole company you could do it very inexpensively. most private companies would sell if they were to find a buyer at about one and a half times revenue a publicly credit Company trades at 5 to 10 times revenue on average depending upon sector some trade much higher 15 to 20 times revenue.. the company has over 220 million in the bank they went into the open market the first quarter they bought 30 million of their own stock back in the open market just like you would buy their stock same way as Apple does it

  • 10baggerbamm OP : in the 4th quarter they completed their Us distribution they have a large box store maybe you heard of them called Lowe's that's selling their product one of their many and they have an agreement with the PGA yeah the golfing consortium that's owned by Saudis now where they're going to be utilizing their electric vehicles this calendar year on tour.. and the revenue growth within the United States which is going to be the largest area of growth is over 50% the most recent quarter year so they have a tremendous upside the reality is the stock's been $121in the past. with far less fundamentals than it does today and if it were to just trade it a nominal five times revenues it's a $10 stock if it trades at 10 times revenues it's a $20 stock and that just brings them into parity with their peers

  • Awry : I appreciate your experience and letting me know about KNDI! I respect why you not wanting to short stocks. My main argument is RVSN has a complete product to serve but price is pushed down. They are rapidly expanding their business to US & EU and their product is getting interest that doesn’t translate to price. I’m trying to understand the criticism to the company or their product

  • 10baggerbamm OP Awry : I'm looking at their burn rate of cash and their lack of cash. what do you have to understand about contracts is they don't disclose the payment plans and the terms and many of these companies are so desperate that they will basically give the product away and get paid back end so if you think of a mortgage amateurization schedule over 30 years when you make your first 15 years worth of mortgage payments the bulk of that payment actually goes to the bank very little goes to principal it gets progressively more every time you make a monthly payment once you cross your 15 then more and more and more of the payment goes towards the principal and less and less and less goes to interest so what I've observed is many of these smaller companies when they structure deals they're really lost leaders for themselves they don't generate the kind of revenue that an established company can generate when they negotiate a deal. and my gut tells me rail is going to have to do an offering this year in order to stay in business and that will be extremely dilutive to shareholders. I watched a trade now multiple times and earlier this year the spike was very very impressive but a collapse right back down it's not the market makers manipulating this is another person stated it's stock being sold into the market so whether it is the brokerage firm that took them public and the stock that they received as compensation or whether it's The insider selling it doesn't hold any rallies you can see that for yourself and it sets new lows

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.