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$Rail Vision (RVSN.US)$ pictures worth a thousand words so w...

$Rail Vision(RVSN.US)$ pictures worth a thousand words so what you're looking at is a Bollinger band which has an upper moving average or lower and a middle and as you can clearly see every rally starts from the lower Bollinger band where you see the trend line is going down it touches the moving average and then collapses and sets a new low so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand this company should be avoided the direction of the chart goes from higher on the left side to lower on the right side. anytime you see a chart where the left side is higher than the right side it's moving in the wrong direction let's just make it that simple people you want to buy one where the stock is lower on the left side and higher on the right side of a chart that means it's going up that means you're building wealth not destroying it
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  • 10baggerbamm OP : Look, learn.

  • Rsrardon08 : then you should sell everything and stop preaching to us on how wrong we are to buy this stock. I get it the Fed didnt want your expertise so we are stuck with you. Why are you having conversations with yourself to tell us how stupid we are? Get a mirror and knock yourself out. Stop preaching to us if we didnt ask then we dont care. Get a group and start preaching to them.

  • Rsrardon08 : Your a short and screwing all of us while you preach to us that you are not. Dude give it up

  • 10baggerbamm OP Rsrardon08 : it sounds like you're very upset it sounds like you're losing a lot of money I'm trying to educate people and help you realize that you're wrong and yet you're adamant about sustaining an investment in a company where you're losing your hard-earned money to me it sounds like you have the problem not me because you don't recognize your mistake

  • Rsrardon08 : From you? No thanks i am good and so is our team.

  • 10baggerbamm OP Rsrardon08 : little tiny investors like yourself that say oh a short is screwing you are really clueless people you see I'm not short this stock I follow it and I'm laughing at people that waste their hard-earned money hoping praying that today's the day that they can break even and get out cuz I know that's what you're all saying it's called a gambler's paradox most of you have never taken any psychology classes to understand what that is but you should read about it and learn because that's your dilemma right now.. I'm not sure the company I follow it maybe in the future one day will start to grow revenues but right now they risk going bankrupt why because they're exhausting their cash they're going to run out of money by the third quarter this year which means they're going to have to do an offering of stock which is dilutive which means the stock will go lower which means you'll lose even more money

  • Rsrardon08 : I like this stock because of the damage our government has done to the rail industry. This Tech will be a safety factor as a standard and not advisery so take that for what you want. I buy stocks that I like that contribute. Maybe if you had a soul and would support instead of rip down companies like you preach but always when the stock is being shortage. We have reviewed your comments and when you decide to chirp.

  • 10baggerbamm OP Rsrardon08 : there's plenty of very good companies that are horrible investments and that's what you don't seem to understand and you cannot differentiate you see a good investment is one where you make money a bad investment is one where you try to justify oh it's a good company it'll come back yet you keep losing money and that's this case fundamentally this company is going to go bankrupt by the third quarter learn to read a profit and loss look at their financial statements read their offering when they went public as the risk of operations deal with liquidity they're not bringing in cash from these contracts they're all back and loaded meaning they're going to run out of cash this year which means they're going to have to do another offering and the warrants are so far out of the market yeah that's right people there's warrants I guarantee in 99% of your geniuses didn't even realize that no one's going to exercise the warrants right now because the stock is collapsed..

  • Rsrardon08 10baggerbamm OP : Except one thing there Skippy I am not little and now i am done Fking playing with you. You should really be careful when you are running your fingers behing all your bull. Just shut up and let people work we dont care about you!

  • Rsrardon08 : Hey look i am 20% in the green and didnt sell. Guess I am not rushing to break even…..

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