You have NO idea……. Read All announcements, Reports, Federal grant announcements, who they’re tied to at the hip with, what’s actually IN the offing, and the massive moat they currRead this NOW!!!
Canada is really far more adept at understanding the true value of this stock,….. as because of the long history of heavy U.S. mining industry regulations, there has been limited awareness and therefore interest and understanding by investors as to what underlies this stocks greatest attributes .
This stock has huge Gold reserves,….. nice, right? Thats not where their greatest potential comes from…..
Antimony, Antimony, Antimony !!!
There are NO other resources for Antimony outside the PPTA & UAMY relationship for mining and processing of Antimony in ALL of the Unites States……period. Even if they operate 24/7 7 days aweek, they will only ( at current size be able to provide approximately 1/3 of current U.S. requirements for Antimony) . Antimony has just been designated as a “mineral resource of “strategic national security to the United States)
Furthermore, China, who has supplied the U.S. with most of its Antimony in the past, has put a complete ban on selling the U.S. ANY FUTHER shipments,….. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!!!! And antimony is a PRIMARY element needed to produce munitions for the U.S. military requirements. And it not just optional,….. ITS REQUIRED. NOT to mention all of the other products that Antimony is critcal to manufacture. The situation is ominous and really should be viewed by investors as an EMERGENCY !!!!!
The Pentagon and the Government are certainly clear about that. Thats why China cut itoff completely, and all permitting and Federal Grant money are being passed almost as fast as they can be written up….. Read ALL reports, grant allocations, new land acquisitions, as well as ALL of the products that ANTIMONY is critical for,….. most especially the military.
Plus most all of the sattelite surveyed land for Antimony mining was just bought up by U.S. Antimony, who in this same mining process has billions in Gold reserves …… now as a literally a ”by product “ of these companies now” primary task” of mining as much Antimony as humanly possible. Getting new mines surveyed permitted, bought and started up, if they can find any more productive sites that UAMY didnt just scoop up, will take at least 5 years to become operational.
UAMY, also just reoppened the Antimony mine in. Mexico that they previously owned and operated, but shut down because were able to get all of our needs met by our China purposes…… but NO MORE now!!
Largely unknown fact……. PPTA and UAMY are practically joined at the hip. So both stocks are in for some major action, but most people are not aware of this largely joint relationship that both companies have, Thats why you still see some notable differences in the spread ratios between them which should tighten up as this knowledge becomes more widely understood.
SO much more to say, but I need to get back to trading for now. I will try to elaborate further tonight. DO YOUR research!!!!! There’s a ton of it out there now. Few know about it less understand its meaning.
This stock is likely IMHO to be at $15 -$18 range in reasonably short order. Ultimate price,….? way too soon to tell how high this will go. But its practically in protected status as far as the U.S. Government and Pentagon are concerned.
Again, this is NOT to be construed as investment advice. DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK. !!! You’ll see…..
Happy Hunting📈
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