103365182 : entering at 148 was the biggest mistake but it’s fine. Hold for 2 months and see how it goes
Gojo Stocktoru OP 103365182 : i entered at 166
包小姐老公的养老金 : This stock is heavily undervalued and ppl for some reason prefers stocks that are too overvalued like tesla
103365182 包小姐老公的养老金 : Did you hold any DELL ? 🫡
股神只是虚名 : Insiders making big money
包小姐老公的养老金 103365182 : I am and still will, this company is basically free money but no one wants to buy. Real funny
103365182 : entering at 148 was the biggest mistake but it’s fine. Hold for 2 months and see how it goes
Gojo Stocktoru OP 103365182 : i entered at 166
包小姐老公的养老金 : This stock is heavily undervalued and ppl for some reason prefers stocks that are too overvalued like tesla
103365182 包小姐老公的养老金 : Did you hold any DELL ? 🫡
股神只是虚名 : Insiders making big money
包小姐老公的养老金 103365182 : I am and still will, this company is basically free money but no one wants to buy. Real funny