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$Red Cat Holdings (RCAT.US)$ I hope you all learned a very v...

$Red Cat Holdings (RCAT.US)$ I hope you all learned a very valuable lesson when you turn on Fox Business and when you turn on Bloomberg and when you turn on CNBC and all you see are these little tiny micro small caps advertising this is our company this is what we do listed on the NASDAQ don't put a dime into it because they're spending millions of dollars on the self promotion to pump the stock up and it never lasts and people get trapped and that's what's happened here. so part of investing is learning lessons and sometimes lessons can be expensive believe me when I tell you I step on the landmine every once in awhile after 35 plus years so this is just another little pump and dump stock that they were running commercials non-stop on TV and a few suckers bought it and the rest is history
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  • FlexibleTrader : The long term chart clearly indicating this company never making any money just some small few spikes doesn’t mean investing and hoping if want to invest money for longer time then minutes Got to be careful but problem is most of people believe and jump to get Rich quick

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.