Most of the company executives are either family members, relatives by marriage, or a bunch of executives who initially fabricated earnings reports, resigned, and then returned. Determine for yourself whether a company made up of such individuals has vision or is just manipulating stock prices to deceive investors. Don't rely solely on technical analysis. Fundamentals are the heart of the issue.
It's not a problem to manage one's own people; it's just that they don't take good care of their own accounts. A company must take good care of itself or not. A company management is very important!!
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
BB Brown : What happen bro ? What price you bought ?
buyput : Most of the company executives are either family members, relatives by marriage, or a bunch of executives who initially fabricated earnings reports, resigned, and then returned. Determine for yourself whether a company made up of such individuals has vision or is just manipulating stock prices to deceive investors. Don't rely solely on technical analysis. Fundamentals are the heart of the issue.
Sianzsation OP buyput : It's not a problem to manage one's own people; it's just that they don't take good care of their own accounts. A company must take good care of itself or not. A company management is very important!!
buyput Sianzsation OP : Yeah, it's okay.
. Advice from former employees![undefined [undefined]](