104132545 Shalom
Wei Jun 88
If Trump is wiser this round he will stop all trade wars with China as it is futile and also stop claiming stolen technology by China but silent on Japan’s. He should concentrate in rebuilding the US economy neglected for 2 to 3 decades and effectively curb the growth of monopoly. Trump’ hand will be quite full with US internal remediation action.
Wei Jun 88 : It will be another target of Trump's crackdown.
Avialevis : It’s hilarious how most people still don’t understand the tech curve, rate of acceleration increases everytime there’s new development
104132545 Shalom Wei Jun 88 : If Trump is wiser this round he will stop all trade wars with China as it is futile and also stop claiming stolen technology by China but silent on Japan’s. He should concentrate in rebuilding the US economy neglected for 2 to 3 decades and effectively curb the growth of monopoly. Trump’ hand will be quite full with US internal remediation action.