Looking back at Trump's first term, ASEAN countries largely benefited from the "China + 1" strategy, with some companies relocating their supply chains from China to surrounding regions. Malaysia also gained from this shift in trade dynamics. Specifically, in terms of industries, as the U.S. dollar continues to strengthen, the Malaysian ringgit has depreciated, resulting in significant benefits for export-oriented companies.
104088143 : What happened?
103827803 : good
103827803 : good
Vasanthan : I’m abit confused @Moomoo News MY why $SIMEPROP (5288.MY)$ under plantation?
Alice Lim choo :
HowTC_Invest Vasanthan : I also noticed this error...should be SDG (5285)
Moomoo News MY OP HowTC_Invest : Thanks for your attention, we will update as soon as possible and you are welcome to make more suggestions at any time~
Moomoo News MY OP Vasanthan : Thank you for your suggestion, soooo great, we will update it as soon as possible