一买就爆 : You are better than me. I left early. I.Sells out as soon as it's available.
投资者 OP 一买就爆 : Don't keep staring. This will only affect your mindset.Stick to your plan
开悟觉醒学炒股 投资者 OP : I agree with this, I always monitor the market, which leads to different thoughts in my mind, often making wrong decisions, and then questioning myself why I made that decision?
一买就爆 : You are better than me. I left early. I.Sells out as soon as it's available.
投资者 OP 一买就爆 : Don't keep staring. This will only affect your mindset.Stick to your plan
开悟觉醒学炒股 投资者 OP : I agree with this, I always monitor the market, which leads to different thoughts in my mind, often making wrong decisions, and then questioning myself why I made that decision?