104079172 : The correction has to happen some time. Best be patient. What goes down will also go up. Whilst the price action is negative, volumes are still very healthy. Means there is still a lot of interest in RGTI
Jade Rabbit OP 104079172 : well, until then I will go long. for now it seems likely to hit 14. but keeping a close watch.
104079172 Jade Rabbit OP : Seems to bounce between 14.5 and 15.2. Still a good profit making opportunity of about 5%
104079172 : The correction has to happen some time. Best be patient. What goes down will also go up. Whilst the price action is negative, volumes are still very healthy. Means there is still a lot of interest in RGTI
Jade Rabbit OP 104079172 : well, until then I will go long. for now it seems likely to hit 14. but keeping a close watch.
104079172 Jade Rabbit OP : Seems to bounce between 14.5 and 15.2. Still a good profit making opportunity of about 5%