Niuu88 : I miss the chance to load at 9.1 arhhhhhhhh
Niuu88 : Missed*
oscar996 Niuu88 : 还有机会上车
104538343 : Still owe?
oscar996 104538343 : I ran
104538343 oscar996 : Why so mean?
oscar996 104538343 : Does he mean that if he missed me, there is still a chance for him to get on the bus?
Niuu88 : I miss the chance to load at 9.1 arhhhhhhhh
Niuu88 : Missed*
oscar996 Niuu88 : 还有机会上车
104538343 : Still owe?
oscar996 104538343 : I ran
104538343 oscar996 : Why so mean?
oscar996 104538343 : Does he mean that if he missed me, there is still a chance for him to get on the bus?