RYOKUN_ : Thanks
空条株太郎 OP RYOKUN_ : I'm still saving up a lot, you know~We will launch it next year ^^
RYOKUN_ 空条株太郎 OP : I will take half profit at around 20, lol.
241105初株投資M : I mean, JoJo is simply amazing, right?
空条株太郎 OP 241105初株投資M :
241105初株投資M 空条株太郎 OP : It's not quite like that after all.
241105初株投資M 241105初株投資M : Lie, lie.
241105初株投資M : It's amazing how incredibly interesting it is!!
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RYOKUN_ : Thanks
空条株太郎 OP RYOKUN_ : I'm still saving up a lot, you know~We will launch it next year ^^
RYOKUN_ 空条株太郎 OP : I will take half profit at around 20, lol.
241105初株投資M : I mean, JoJo is simply amazing, right?
空条株太郎 OP 241105初株投資M :
241105初株投資M 空条株太郎 OP : It's not quite like that after all.
241105初株投資M 241105初株投資M : Lie, lie.
空条株太郎 OP 241105初株投資M :
空条株太郎 OP 241105初株投資M :
241105初株投資M : It's amazing how incredibly interesting it is!!
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