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$Rigetti Computing (RGTI.US)$ WTF happened?

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  • 10baggerbamm : Jensen is in Las Vegas at the CES convention and he was quoted saying not to expect a quantum computer for 15 years so every quantum stock is getting whacked right now after hours

  • 喜羊羊 10baggerbamm : Will it drop by 50% tomorrow?

  • 10baggerbamm 71425385 OP : you know I'm a nobody in the global scene but I mentioned this over a month ago probably beginning of December I said what is the application for quantum computers what are you going to do with them how many do you actually need.
    you have super computers that are being used and they're still not up to full speed they're not being used around the clock and they're still building them but they're not in such demand that everybody wants one needs one so what do you need a quantum computer for because Here comes Willow that says it's able to solve this problem that takes a supercomputer a billion trillion years to solve something like that a lot of fucking zeros and just for a perspective if you were to start at birth and every second count a number you couldn't count to a trillion there's something to let marinate in your head.
    so if Google has Willow I mean I see from a lab analysis research standpoint testing to solve diseases cancer other genetic problems I see where there's merit but how many do you actually need and the reality I look at it is you need one for every country in the world and that's it one for the United States one for Russia right every country is going to want one what do they need a thousand for what do they need 10,000 for the answer is you don't there's no way to generate money revenue when the ability to solve problems are done in milliseconds. how many problems are there to solve so this is not a surprise for me but Jensen would say yeah you know it's 15 years and then we'll need them to run all of our neural network will need them to run our robot AIS but how many do you need

  • KianSoh 10baggerbamm : Actually, Quantum Computers are commercially available now, Jensen is saying what he is saying to protect his Silicon Based NVDA, as it’s eventual that Quantum Computing would take over Silicon Tech… maybe much sooner than 30 years, since there are already Commercial Quantum Computers available for sale. Like DWAVE.

  • 10baggerbamm KianSoh : I understand they're available now but there's no application for them that's my point aside from research at a lab level rather than running tests and test and test and maybe I'm a small minded person but I worked at NIH when I was younger a lifetime ago and the amount of research that takes place if that can be expedited 1,000 fold 10,000 fold 100,000 a million fold then we're able to  cure diseases that were never thought possible.
    aside from that there is no application right now for them

  • 104132545 Shalom : The US have a grave problem which is  monopoly or creation of GLC giants. That  permits destruction of new inventions, talents and funding both from the government and shareholders to prevent competition and sharing of market pies. That is well understood by Jensen of Nvidia etc. I gave up buying Nvidia’ shares as I find them arrogant and abusing their position. Nvidia shareholders are like fools in their pockets where stock price are pump and dump for their insiders sale at great profits once too often compared with other companies. Their existing shareholders played the devil advocate of scared mongering against the retail investors. Monopoly is a serious abuse problem in the US which causes her to decline and poverty rates of ordinary people rises. China on the other hand do not tolerance monopoly e.g Ali baba. China instead cut up the economy pie to support invention, small businesses etc giving them a chance to survive and compete etc.
