Coach Donnie : Congratulations @105246726 check your inbox
105246726 OP Coach Donnie : Thank you thank you….. This is 1 of my keepers…..
Coach Donnie 105246726 OP : me too
Coach Donnie 105246726 OP : HODL and trade a little
105246726 OP : Yesss….. QSI and a few
105246726 OP : l gotten 2.5 then sell, bought again with dilute cost at 2.32, then sold at 18.5, far too early…. managed to buy back at 18 and reduced dilute cost to less than $2
Coach Donnie : Congratulations @105246726 check your inbox
105246726 OP Coach Donnie : Thank you thank you….. This is 1 of my keepers…..
Coach Donnie 105246726 OP : me too
Coach Donnie 105246726 OP : HODL and trade a little
105246726 OP : Yesss….. QSI and a few
105246726 OP : l gotten 2.5 then sell, bought again with dilute cost at 2.32, then sold at 18.5, far too early…. managed to buy back at 18 and reduced dilute cost to less than $2