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Bitcoin's 4th halving done: A new rally or already priced in?
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$Riot Platforms (RIOT.US)$ with the having taking place and ...

$Riot Platforms (RIOT.US)$ with the having taking place and bitcoins price sitting below 60,000 if you do not see 75 to $80,000 average price this quarter then the revenues for Bitcoin Mara clean spark are going to drop precipitously down 30 to 40% minimum this quarter and through the balance of the year. why anybody would want to own a company that the underlying commodity is declining in price and becoming twice as difficult to mine is beyond me. if you have a company that misses revenue by one penny or earnings by a penny they take you out behind the barn and they shoot you and now here's a sector that you can see the price right in front of your eyes of what they're mining is worth you understand that when the ability to produce has been cut by 50% you need to have a 100% increase in productivity to have the same revenue will bitcoin's price has to double and they need to maintain the same level of production to have flat revenues and that is not going to be the case their revenues will decline anyone want to make a bet because this is common Sense 101.
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  • Censorship here : 🤡 be fuding

  • PS Sandy : Halving already done 🤨

  • 10baggerbamm OP PS Sandy : I understand it's already done my point is the level of productivity has been reduced by 50% fact if Bitcoin stock does not double then they are revenues and their profits go down dramatically that is a fact Wall Street punishes companies that have declining revenue declining profits meanwhile the expenses for this company are going to continue to accelerate as the cost for electric power goes higher so I don't hear anybody telling me anything I am saying is wrong I have over 35 years in the market I owned a broker dealer in the '90s I've raised tens of millions of dollars for startup companies I did Angel financing I was part of syndic and underwriting groups so I have a little bit of seat time experience and declining revenues declining profits spell disaster for stocks

  • PS Sandy 10baggerbamm OP : Well the market is forward looking and it looks priced inn. The crypto investments are unbelievable although none of crypto/bitcoin meme coins etc makes any sense in real world. It still trends as an alternative world currency so are the biggest players that will never let crypto plummet completely. Just play along.

  • 10baggerbamm OP PS Sandy : the companies are brick and mortar companies they have a physical location they have employees they have expenses so basic accounting applies while the product that they turn out Bitcoin is relatively new compared to say a car or food basic accounting still applies.. if Bitcoin stock does not go up 100% their profits decline significantly they need to double productivity to have the same output they need the commodity Bitcoin to double in order to have the same output the same earnings. commodity has been reduced by 50% the price of the commodity is weak now it needs to double that's the variable that is a fact and these companies are death all of them if bitcoin price does not more than double doubling only brings you back to parody flat earnings flat revenue more than doubling increases profits

  • Huang Sean : This trend is easy to diverge from the market; you need to know its rhythm

  • 10baggerbamm OP Huang Sean : there's plenty of stupid people that buy lousy companies everyday  of the week.. if you don't buy companies that are growing revenues growing margins and growing their net income you are going to have a tax loss it's as simple as that meaning you're going to lose money

  • SQUEEZEE 10baggerbamm OP : Flawed logic

  • 10baggerbamm OP SQUEEZEE : so show me a list of companies whose revenue is reduced by 50% and the stocks trade higher consistently show me that list? you say my logic is flawed and I have 35 plus years doing this at the end of the day if you're not growing revenues not growing your margins not growing your net income the stocks go lower much lower but you think it's different now. so show me a list

  • La Diabla ChuChu : Love the dog profile!!!! Xoxo love dogs

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35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.